I'm wringing my hands nervously, waiting in line. All the things I had pieced together in my little world of dreams have suddenly come together, but in a way that twists reality and takes away the purpose of those dreams,
the dreams that I long left in the dust.
I know I don't feel anything anymore. Something shifted in me that day that ceased all the weed-like emotions that had infested my being from continuing to grow.
I had lost the sight of the lesson I had learnt years ago, a love that had marked my soul so deeply that I would never emerge as the same person again. Anything that made me lose sight of that would not last, in reality or in my memory.
Yes I am anxious. But I also knew to trust myself to not put my confidence in a situation where it could be damaged. I am not intimidated, and my dignity walks proudly beside me, because the hits that it took reminded it that it was human, and strong.
If you want to face me then I will face you, but you best not be expecting anything, because I am stronger than you have ever seen me, than you ever left me.

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